Sunday, June 3, 2007

Q 1. Fehrenheit 451

1*Who are the main characters in the novel? Do you like them? Why or why not? What is special about them? What do they reveal about the universal human experience?
The main characters in the novel are Guy Montag, Captain Beatty, and Clarisse McClellan. I really liked Guy Montag who is a fireman who burns books as a job. I could feel I am in similar situation. He reveals important thing about great emptiness inside of human that indicates people need purpose. Another main character Captain Beatty was not my favorite, but he was still interesting person to me. He seems to be very special person as he shows his personality through out his job. His stubbornness shows us people’s concept in the world; Captain Beatty showed us how people adapt and be inured to the world. Also I like Clarisse McClellan. Her personality and actions are totally different from others and she has different thoughts. In the world of prejudice, she makes the difference in other people’s lives and thoughts, and she makes herself special. In common, they are really special in the story, because they are in totally different world but experience the same things we do in reality. They are in the future of fiction, but have commons with readers. How they feel, how they act, and how they talk are similar to us; many of us live without purpose, we just watch TV for a whole day, we do not talk very much, and we live in SAME PATTERN.

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