Wednesday, February 13, 2008

November Rain by Amy Phillip

November Rain

November rain washed away my guilt
November rain washed away my pain
November rain - so tired I felt
November rain was not just any rain

Long I longed with deep torment
For so long my body waited
November rain, , , , Oh, sweet friend
November rain- slowly I faded.

November rain- I cried within
Steady and slowly, it kept on pouring
November rain, watered my skin
And deep inside, I heard my roaring.

November rain, it refused to quit
November rain kept on pouring
And alone outside, in the streets
I wept-dripping... dripping and falling.

Amy Phillip


Title: November Rain talks about what kinds of impressions that it gives. The reason author took November instead of other eleven months is perhaps because of her memory of November.

Paraphrase: Since author has been waiting for November rain, she washes out her “bad things” such as guilt, pain, harsh memory, and everything that afflicts her. She puts herself into the rain as one.

Connotation: The rain has a great imagery. The imagery of visual as it rains, pours, drips, and flows. Not only is the visual, the feeling also well described too; the sentences and descriptions of rain falling gives readers feel like they are really in the middle of the November rain. Washing the skin, dripping over our heads and bodies, and pouring give us the strong feeling like real.
There is rhyme scheme (abab, cdcd, efef). Every stanza has rhyme scheme.
It has personification of the rain. Author mentions rain is her sweet friend. Besides, author said November rain is not just a rain; therefore, author has extraordinary feeling toward the rain which has human qualities. Rain is author’s sweet friend and refuses to stop; they are the examples that rain has human qualities as personification.
The rhythm is created as verses start with November rain. The verses starts with November have certain rhythms because November rain is repeated in smooth rhythm. Also there is rhyme scheme which makes the poem more like a song (with a rhythm).
I think November Rain has a great symbol. Since author mentioned that November rain is not just a rain, November rain symbolizes or means something special to her. Maybe November rain is a important rain, but does not symbolize anything at all, but I think November rain is symbolizes author’s willingness, volition, purpose, and strong determination to start a new life or to forget about how harsh her life was before.

Attitude: Author’s attitude toward rain is melancholy but otherwise glad. She feels great about November rain. She thinks November rain is special and important to her because November rain can wash guilt, pain, and etc. Although she feels great about November rain coming to her, we can see author’s being melancholy. The description of rain pouring and washing the author can refer to the readers that author has very hard, sad life (or just moments). Pain, guilt, author’s roaring, crying, and fading tell us about author’s attitude of being melancholy and lonely.

Shifts: The shift of this poem is on the verse “November rain- I cried within” on the third stanza. This verse is the shift of this poem because it strongly shows author’s loneliness and sadness. Up to that verse, author is trying to endure tears coming out. It’s like a boy who tries not to tear after fight, but bursts out of tears when he hugs his mother. The moment author cries and roars in the rain is the shift when the author bursts out of tears in the middle of the rain.

Theme: The theme of the poem is about necessity of moment that human must rely on. There is a moment or like a opportunity that every one can think about the past and try to eradicate it in mind for a better future.

Title: First I thought the title is just about love story (memory) she had in the November when it rains. Actually the rain talks about the author’s washing and reforming through the experience of raining of washing the sins and letting out pain and harsh memory from her head. If I would name the title of this poem, (although I think “November Rain” is the perfect title of this poem), “Rain like a river in November” because rain is pouring and dropping continuously like a river flows that can wash the author

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