Monday, January 22, 2007

entry 7

* are there any settings in this novel which you have found to be beautiful? or disturbing? or memorable? describe these settings and comment on why they were meaningful to you.

To be honest, there were many places and setting to be beautiful, but the story made these places felt disgusting. In the story, a boy called Simon accidentally found the beautiful place in the island and he enjoyed it privately. The flowers and tress were spread out on the soil that seemed really beautiful. But there was a sow’s head in there with the flies on and that made a great meaning. Simon got faint in the area with sow’s head and he tried to go to his friends what he saw in there, but Simon got killed because his friends saw him as a beast. The setting was really ironic and important for symbolizing. By the sow’s head with the flies, it said “Lord of the flies…” and by that the beautiful place turned into the scary and horrible place to me. Just by the sentence of that existence of sow’s head, the setting seemed to change the whole things. This setting was very impressive to me because it was the beginning of kids getting killed by other guys. The sow’s head with the flies symbolized the situation which the kids were involved in this island. The place where the sow’s head was, was really meaningful and impressive to me.

entry 6

* please choose one passage from the novel that is significant to you. why is this passage meaningful? Please type it into one of your entries and comment on what you think about the passage

“Ralph wept for the end of innocence, the darkness of man’s heart, and the fall through the air of a true, wise friend called Piggy.” (Chapter 12, near the close of the novel)
This quote shows the important things about the theme of the novel. This quote is at the almost end of the novel after Ralph gets saved from the naval officer. From this moment, Ralph says “end of innocence” and that tells us the whole things about this story and what happened. The killing, fighting, and opposing the people in the island were the main things that cause boys being cruel and mad. Because they had to survive and to have benefits, little young kids had to do the disgusting things that should not be done. The young kids realized the dirtiness nastiness of society of world and they were already involved in it. This passage was really meaningful because it showed the despair and regret of the character by doing crazy things to survive. By living and surviving in the island, Ralph learned about the evilness of people’s mind and characteristics and started to despair when he got rescued. He got rescued from the death, but he felt into despair because of the things he learned in this island. And this quote well shows the meaning of it, end of innocence.

entry 5

* what is the mood of this novel? do you find this novel saddens you in any way? why?

The mood of this story was really spooky to me. It seemed to be really silly story and ironic because it was the story about little kids isolated in the island, but that made me more horrified. Because they were the kids, their behaviors seemed to be more realistic and scary to me. It was impossible for me to imagine what these kids were going to do. The killing and fighting were very disgusting and it made the mood recognizably serious.
In the story, I could find saddens for people who do not adapt in the society very well. There was a character called Piggy, and he was ignored by people and killed at the last part. Piggy was the most kind and most intelligent, but he was bullied by the only reason that he was fat and not good athletic. This piggy character saddened me very much because it was the reality in the world and there are so many people like piggy there who are ignored. Not even that, the reality of this story for fighting each other for their benefits and power made me really sick. The desire of power is everywhere in the world; stronger one eats the weaker one. Even the kids in this story fights cruelly and this reflects the world in the same way. As I read this book, I concerned why people have to do this kind of thing for their benefits which call only the bloody sufferings.

entry 4

* what is the climax of this novel? what happens? how do the events of this novel make you feel?

The climax happened when the tension of Ralph and Jack ends up to the highest point. Because there was a big conflict of being against each other for leadership, tension was built up. From the beginning, Ralph was voted to be the leader of the group to rule over in the island. Jack as really jealous about it and tried to get more attention of kids to put himself as a leader. In the whole story, you can see what Jack was trying to do in the every part of it. Jack always opposed Ralph and tried to gather people by hunting the animals. Jack’s effort was getting more and more and the conflict got higher. So almost at the end part, Ralph’s follower, Piggy got killed and Jack and his followers tried to kill Ralph too. Ralph had no one to be with and Jack was in the charge of the island. When I read up the climax part, I felt really ironic and weird because it seemed so incredible to see kids’ actions of fighting. The little kids tried to kill each other for their desire of power and force to rule. Actually, it was so realistic in the story that made readers feel horrified and astonished. Author showed the characteristic of human being dreadfully well so that readers usually indicated it the truth in our world.

entry 3

* who are the main characters in the novel? do you like them? why or why not? what is special about them? what do they reveal about the universal human experience?

Ralph and Jack are the main characters of this novel because they’re the main forces to against each other. Even in the beginning, they made a vote to choose the leader and there was conflict created there between Ralph and Jack. In my opinion, I really don’t like the characters in this story because their characteristics are so ignorant and cruel; that they do not act like the kids. The kids’ behaviors are so cruel and dictatorship that make readers feel disgusting and ironic. But they’re kind of really interesting to me to see their reactants in the island to survive and that makes me feel they’re special boys. The strange conflict leadership and compositions of rules to follow seem to make sense that can be available in this island. Their ideas seem to follow the things that adults people do in their communities and the conflicts and problems are created in the same way, fighting and opposing.
By these characters, I can know the human characteristics that live together in society. It’s only the few kids, but it refers the whole world. The kids’ actions are almost same as the other people in the real worlds so that it reveals very well about human’s origin thoughts to survive. By this book, I could realize the universal human mind, because the reactants of kids are well shown: horror, leadership, conflict, fight, and betrayal.

entry 2

* are there are any current situations in the world that relate to the novel? what are they, and how do they relate? does the novel shed any light on how current situations could be resolved or "fixed"?

There are so many current situations that determine the relations between the novel and the world. This novel, “Lord of The Flies” actually refers the reality of people in the world. The conflict of people for their survivals and power are identical in this story as a one theme. As the boys in this story fight each other, the people in this world do the same thing. For their desire, they put themselves in the difficulties. In this island, there are only young kids, but actually they’re shadowing the same things that are so recognizable to us to feel the similarities. The author, Modling related the story and the world so effectively to show the similarities so that readers can feel a lot of things about their behaviors and society.
In the story, the conclusion to resolve or fix this problem is to make sacrifice of suffering or separating themselves from the society. In the world, there are still many sacrifices to suffer in the society during the progress of fighting, and also there are so many difficulties to get out of the community.

entry 1

what is the major theme of this novel? why is this theme important to a teenager living in 2007?

In this story, the conflict between the humans is well shown. The kids are isolated in the island, and we can see that kids are making their own society to survive. The rules, leader, and works are supported by themselves to make their survivals. Even with these little kids, there is a conflict of power and force to rule over. Even at the beginning, Jack and Ralph are fighting each other to be the leader of that group. As the story tension is building up, the followers of Jack and Ralph are divided into 2 groups with a big conflict. The theme about this story is to show people’s emotions and thoughts that are against each other in their areas to survive. The kids are foreshadowing the truth that people fight with blood for their benefits to rule over and enjoy it. The title, “Lord of The Flies” is meaning the situation these kids are involved in. People’s eagerness, desire, and grudge for their powers put themselves into hell with suffering of death. The lord is just the boss of the companions as many as the numbers of flies. In this story, it tells our teenagers for our behaviors in our own society. Even in the school, the force against force and fighting still exist. By this story, teenagers are able to know how they should react and understand their own community.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

what's up

this is my new blog