Monday, January 22, 2007

entry 3

* who are the main characters in the novel? do you like them? why or why not? what is special about them? what do they reveal about the universal human experience?

Ralph and Jack are the main characters of this novel because they’re the main forces to against each other. Even in the beginning, they made a vote to choose the leader and there was conflict created there between Ralph and Jack. In my opinion, I really don’t like the characters in this story because their characteristics are so ignorant and cruel; that they do not act like the kids. The kids’ behaviors are so cruel and dictatorship that make readers feel disgusting and ironic. But they’re kind of really interesting to me to see their reactants in the island to survive and that makes me feel they’re special boys. The strange conflict leadership and compositions of rules to follow seem to make sense that can be available in this island. Their ideas seem to follow the things that adults people do in their communities and the conflicts and problems are created in the same way, fighting and opposing.
By these characters, I can know the human characteristics that live together in society. It’s only the few kids, but it refers the whole world. The kids’ actions are almost same as the other people in the real worlds so that it reveals very well about human’s origin thoughts to survive. By this book, I could realize the universal human mind, because the reactants of kids are well shown: horror, leadership, conflict, fight, and betrayal.


yuhee said...

I think Piggy is one of the main characters because he gave many ideas to Ralph. I don't like all of them, but I like Ralph and Piggy because they knew the signal fire thing is more important than hunting. They are young but they think about their future not just enjoy hunting like Jack's tribe. I agree that kids’ actions are same as people who live in real worlds.

Apple said...

yuhee// I feel same as you. I don't like all of them except Ralph and Piggy seriously. I feel good that you agree with my idea ha

African Globe Trotters. said...

Excellent connections made on this post. Mrs.Mc.